Proof of Conspiracy at Las Vegas Shooting 83.3% 1.23K Views 10 Likes NewsPoliticsWorld More Evidence of 4th Story Shooter at Mandalay Bay. Why doesn’t the news talk about this? Lone gunman? 32nd floor? (Visited 1,227 times) Show more PREV Automatic Gunfire at Las Vegas Concert October 2, 2017 NEXT NASA – A COMPILATION OF LIES AND DECEIT. October 4, 2017 You might be interested in 7 Unfortunately, some members of the media… June 29, 2019 15 ESA IMAGE MANIPULATION November 6, 2018 22 THE NEWS IS SCRIPTED PROPAGANDA! July 25, 2018 54 Rare (Since Redacted) Video Shows Faked 911 Footage July 22, 2018 16 CIA created the term “Conspiracy Theorist” to attack anyone who challenges “official narrative” April 14, 2018 21 Crisis Actor Proof – Parkland Florida Shooting Hoax February 28, 2018 19 Student from Florida School Shooting Laughs as she describes hearing another shooter February 15, 2018 5 Raw footage of Broward Florida school shooting February 15, 2018
16 CIA created the term “Conspiracy Theorist” to attack anyone who challenges “official narrative” April 14, 2018
19 Student from Florida School Shooting Laughs as she describes hearing another shooter February 15, 2018