
59 Videos

Warren Buffett Bought 12 Billion in Stock Since Election

Billionaire Warren Buffett added “$12 billion of common stocks since the election” to his portfolio at Berkshire Hathaway Inc., he told Charlie Rose in an interview that aired on Friday. Bill Gates, the co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, also speaks about what he’s learned from Buffett.

University Study Finds WTC7 Did Not Collapse Due To “Fires”

This is a study of the collapse of the 47-story World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC7) at 5:20 P.M. on September 11, 2001. This building was a steel-frame office building located north of Vesey Street in the World Trade Center Complex in New York City’s Financial District. The World Trade Center Complex opened on April […]

Sandy Hook “Victim’s” Dad Caught Laughing

Fathers of slain children do not go around joking and laughing the next day this guy is a fraud and he is an actor and so is the aunt that spoke before him and this entire shooting is a scam to take away gun right for a much bigger global domination plan.the father of the […]

The best and smartest gun arguement you will ever hear

Great argument for guns.. Make sure this video goes viral

The Las Vegas Shooting- Pulse Nightclub Connection

Shooter’s brother linked to crisis communications management PR firm and Pulse Nightclub. Eric Paddock, the brother of the suspected Las Vegas shooter was pictured wearing a t-shirt which reads “Central Florida Community Arts” while holding his arms out to his sides for reporters in front of an Orange County Sheriff’s vehicle. Interestingly enough, upon further […]